Virtual Course or Seminar
Virtual Courses and Virtual Seminars refer to Virtual training opportunities.
Basic Definitions
What are virtual training opportunities?
Virtual training refers to training done in a virtual or simulated environment or in cases that the learner and the instructor are in separate locations.
Virtual training can be done:
- Synchronously (for ex. Classes scheduled in real time)
- Asynchronously (for ex. Classes with relaxed schedule where students might be able to work wherever and wherever they can)
Virtual training and virtual training environments are designed to simulate the traditional classroom or learning experience.
What is a virtual course?
Virtual course means a course of study that is capable of generating a credit or a grade and that is provided in an interactive learning environment where the majority of the curriculum is delivered using the internet and in which pupils may be separated from their instructor or teacher of record by time or location, or both. (via:
What is a virtual seminar?
A virtual seminar is a seminar delivered online with a live instructor. The instructor and attendees communicate with each other as if they were in the same room. Also called a “Webinar”, virtual seminars tend to be replicas of classroom workshops, whereas the Webinar is often a short presentation with limited participation. (via:
Some Opportunities
Bellow, you can find some opportunities of virtual courses and seminars that can be applied in EU level, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, North Macedonia and Spain. There is a huge number of platforms providing virtual courses and seminars worldwide. Some of them are free, when others are not and some of them provide free access only to some courses. Also, in some of them student need to be enrolled when in others they can join on their one.
Opportunities in European/International Level

Type of platform: Online courses
Type of courses: Many types from different fields
Language: Many languages – Each courses is provided in different languages
Access: Free (sometimes user needs to pay to get a certificate)

Type of platform: Online courses & Webinars
Type of courses: Many types from different fields
Language: Many languages – Each courses is provided in different languages
Access: Free & paid courses – Optional upgrade available

Type of platform: Online programs & courses
Type of courses: Many types from different fields
Language: English
Access: Free & Paid courses – Optional upgrade available

Type of platform: Online courses and seminars
Type of courses/seminars: Different types of courses/seminars
Language: Many languages (English, Greek, Spanish, etc.)
Access: Free & Paid courses
Comments: Events around the world

Khan Academy
Type of platform: Online courses
Type of courses: Many types from different fields (Mostly sciences)
Language: More than 36 languages
Access: Free
Comments: Each language has different courses

Type of platform: Online courses
Type of courses: IT & programming languages
Language: English
Access: Free – Pro Version
Opportunities in France

Future Learn
Type of platform: Online courses (and Bachelors & Masters)
Type of courses: Engineering, smart grids – for professionals working in energy industry
Language: English
Access: Paid courses
Comments: Certified from French universities
Opportunities in Germany

Study Portals|mh-blended,online|tc-EUR
Type of platform: Online courses
Type of courses: Different types of courses
Language: English
Access: Free & Paid courses
Comments: Certified from German universities
Opportunities in Greece

Type of platform: Online seminars with video courses
Type of courses: Different types, such as language, special education, informatics etc.
Language: Greek
Access: Paid courses
Comments: Certified from Greek universities